The original post.


"Could you understand that Loki would wonder what the hell flowers are doing all over his head?"

Absolutely.  But we make choices as players what we say and what we reblog and just because it's IC doesn't mean it's ok.  Even Lyn has talked about this. Frostblooded, had he been truly IC, would have been a lot harsher to people at times but she recognizes the need to temper things because despite it being RP, it is for fun and hurting people's feelings isn't fun.

Actually you yelled at another Loki RP account a while ago for being 'too mean' so this should be very familiar by now.

"Plus, I reblogged it and liked it with my own account."

I'm gonna nitpick here and point out that you didn't reblog and comment on it on your personal blog. At least not until long after I'd sent you an ask about it.

"I’ve seen many other roleplay blogs have banters about a piece of art much worse than a “what even is this” comment."

THEY bother me.  When it's not on my art I try to leave it up to the artist to deal with it as they see fit but this girl didn't have a lot of hits on it and I thought it was awful that the only comment she'd gotten was a negative one.

I don't think it's right to reblog art and make disdainful comments on it.  The artist reads it, a lot of times they won't understand it's an RP blog.  And even so?  The comments will still hurt.  I've had it done to me, even ridiculing my pairing choices and how I am a fangirl...and it's not fun. 

It still wasn't a nice thing to say, even if it was 'nicer'.

"I’ve barely said two words on this account as Loki and I’m already getting ridiculed for something that apparently I did when it wasn’t intended as such."

Well, I won't apologize for standing up for something I feel strongly on.  You insulted my friends and a sweet artist.  Just because you feel it wasn't intended to be insulting doesn't negate what you did. 

"This is just…ridiculous that people are trying to throw my name around to call me out on things. I’m really getting sick of it and it happens too much. I did it in character, I didn’t think it would hurt anyone because I was in character. I apologize if it came across as that, but yeah… being aggressive toward me was not helpful in the slightest."

It's really not ridiculous, it happens all the time.  People do thoughtless things and a lot of time they don't get called on them.  If you're sick of it, it may be good to think a little before posting in the future.  Both of these instances are related to RP. 

You seem upset.  You made a mistake.  Just be the bigger person and own it.  No one thinks you're a horrible human being but you're painting yourself in a bad light by offering a backhanded apology and playing the victim.